Book myth: I will make money from selling my book

No you won’t. Mike Southon wrote the best selling business book in the UK, ‘The Beermat Entrepreneur’. He often says that he made little money from the millions of copies that were sold. If he didn’t make anything from sales of millions, you certainly won’t with a print run of a few thousand.

If you want to make a little bit of money don’t waste time courting big publishers. Self-publish it so you can sell copies yourself and keep all the money. If you do a good talk you might sell a dozen at the back of the room. You might be able to pre-sell a batch into a conference so every delegate has a copy. You might shift a few copies from your website. You’ll make some good pocket money that way. But if you add up the cost of producing the book. Not just the design and printing but the writing and the selling, the postage and packing, you’ll find that you’ll have made fresh all.

So why is Mike Southon still so excited about his book? It’s because of what the book did for him. It positioned him as an expert who could now make personal appearances for money: talks, workshops, conferences, consultancy and coaching. It opened doors for him to meet and work with a host of other successful people. It meant he became highly regarded as a columnist.

You won’t make money from you selling the book. You will make money from the book selling you.

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